About Us

Health Care Information and Analysis Program

The Healthcare Information and Analysis Program implements the goals and directions of the Utah Health Data Committee. The Program collects, analyzes, and disseminates health care data. The data helps people understand cost, quality, access, and value in our health care system and allows users to identify opportunities for improvement.

Healthcare Information and Analysis Program Strategic Goals (2025)

  • Collect: We collect and produce data that are relevant and useful to our stakeholders
  • Analyze: We create valuable enhancements to our data resources and our systems have the analytic capacity to transform them into useful information
  • Disseminate: We make the data and information we collect and produce available to the right people at the right time for the right purposes
  • Great Organization: This is a great place to work and our employees are organized, trained, and empowered to provide efficient and valuable services to our stakeholders

Data Series - The Program is responsible for the following data series:

  • CAHPS - Annual customer satisfaction surveys relating to health plan performance
  • HEDIS - Annual quality measures relating to health plan performance
  • Healthcare Facility Data - A collection of information about all inpatient, emergency room, and outpatient surgery/diagnostic procedures performed in the state
  • All Payer Claims Data - A collection of data about health care that is paid for by third parties, including insurers, plan administrators, and dental and pharmacy benefits plans.