Access to Data Series
Do you have questions about accessing our data?
Please feel free to contact our program or call 801-538-7048.
Data collected by our organizational unit is available for research and statistical analysis by authorized users for approved purposes. We encourage you to review information on this page before requesting data to minimize delays in processing your request.
- External requests for data access or release should be made using our online form.
- Internal users, those associated with the Department of Health and Human Services, should contact our program for more details.
The Review Process
At times we receive the question, how long does the review process take? And, how long until I can get my data?
In general, data requests not needing review by our Health Data Committee (requests that are unique and/or for identifiable data), can be turned around in approximately two-four months.
- There are at least two sets of reviews--one by staff and the other by Department leadership.
- Note all requests for identifiable health data require IRB determination--no exceptions.
- Also we require a fully signed data sharing agreement before data can be created and sent. Please keep this in mind when filling out your data order.
A general timeline of our review process for requests not needing review by the Utah Health Data Committee (add four weeks minimum for committee review):
- For staff decision - Review 1: Two weeks
- For executive review of the data sharing agreement - Review 2: Three-four weeks
- Data Sharing Agreement, signatures: One week
- Processing of data by our Analytic Team: Up to five weeks (depending on project load)
- Send of your data order to you by our Business Team: One week
If you are requesting Medicaid data from the All Payer Claims Database, the review will take at least 60 extra calendar days to complete. Requests that involve custom work will be evaluated for feasibility, staff availability, anticipated cost, and the estimated time for completion. Please contact our office for more specific timelines that may impact your request.
Upcoming Data Releases
Facility Data Releases 2023-2025
Date | Product | Notes |
3/15/2023 | Facility CY22Q3 | Provisional files |
7/15/2023 | Facility CY22 | Full-year files |
9/15/2023 | Facility CY23Q1 | Provisional files |
12/15/2023 | Facility CY23Q2 | Provisional files |
3/15/2024 | Facility CY23Q3 | Provisional files |
7/15/2024 | Facility CY23 | Full-year files |
9/15/2024 | Facility CY24Q1 | Provisional files |
12/15/2024 | Facility CY24Q2 | Provisional files |
3/15/2025 | Facility CY24Q3 | Provisional files |
7/15/2025 | Facility CY24 | Full-year files |
9/15/2025 | Facility CY25Q1 | Provisional files |
12/15/2025 | Facility CY25Q2 | Provisional files |
APCD Releases 2023-2025
Date | Product | Notes |
6/1/2023 | APCD CY22 | Full-year files |
6/1/2024 | APCD CY23 | Full-year files | 6/1/2025 | APCD CY24 | Full-year files |
The Data Series
All Payer Claims Database
De-Identified Data Set: The data set conforms to the standard for de-identification established in the Privacy Rule (45 CFR § 164.514). All 18 Safe Harbor identifiers are removed prior to distribution of data to the user. Please contact us for a separate form to complete when requesting de-identified data only.
Limited Data Set: The data set contains at least 16 out of the 18 Safe Harbor identifiers related to a member's medical, pharmacy, and dental claims as well as insurance enrollment and health care provider data. These data sets require review and approval by both an Institutional Review Board and Department Leadership prior to distribution of data to the user. Some requests for limited data also require review by the Utah Health Data Committee.
Research Data Set: The data set contains the 18 Safe Harbor identifiers related to medical, pharmacy, and dental claims as well as insurance enrollment and health care provider data. These data sets require review and approval by an Institutional Review Board, Utah Health Data Committee, and Department Leadership. The data set includes sensitive and detailed patient data.
Healthcare Facility Data
Limited Data Set: An inpatient or ambulatory surgery or emergency department encounter data set. Approximately 50 fields contain information about patient, diagnoses, provider, payers, charges and more. Standard, limited data sets.
Research Data Set: This restricted data set includes additional confidential data elements collected in the hospital discharge abstract and is available to researchers that have obtained Institutional Review Board and HDC approval for bona fide health care cost, quality, and access research.
Health Plan Satisfaction Data (CAHPS)
Health Plan Quality Data (HEDIS)
Institutional License
- Great value!
- We offer two annual multi-use, multi-user licenses helpful for research entities--especially large institutions. Select one for your data needs!
Currently available!
To access all of our available data series, you can choose the Multi-Data Series Institutional License.
The Multi-Data Series Institutional License is a multi-use, multi-user license to access all data series included within this fee schedule. The license covers use for a 12-month period starting with the data specified in the licensing agreement and ending 365 days later. A 15% discount will be given if the license is renewed prior to the license termination date. Cost before discount is $150,000.
Available starting July 1, 2024!
To access either the Healthcare Facilities Database, or the All Payer Claims Database, you can choose the Single-Data Series Institutional License.
The Single-Data Series Institutional License is a 12-month multi-use, multi-user license to access one of the aforementioned data series included within this fee schedule. A 15% discount will be given if the license is renewed prior to the license termination date. Cost before discount is $75,000.
How long is the license? Each license is for a 12-month period starting with the data specified in the agreement and ending 365 days later.
What data is covered? You will receive data based on the product chosen--either the Multi-Series License or Single-Data Series License. For instance, the Multi-Series License permits approved access to all available data products from our program, including APCD, Facilities Data, HEDIS, and CAHPS. It includes all standard limited and research datasets and up to 250 hours of staff time (125 hours for Single-Data Series product) to create customized data sets. New data that become available during the license period may also be added to existing uses.
What uses are covered? This is a multi-use, multi-user license that covers approved uses by institutional users covered in the agreement. Note that each use must be approved by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services before use can begin. The institution is responsible to inform the Department of any changes or additions to the list of users for each project.
Each agreement includes support from one or more analysts from our team who can answer questions about the data and provide other guidance on proper use of the data.
What happens at the end of the 12 month period? Normally, we would expect the institution to renew the subscription to provide continuity for user access. If the institution chooses not to renew the license, there would be a six-month grace period to allow users to finalize any approved projects already in progress. However, after the end of the 12 month period no new data will be distributed and no new uses will be approved. Of course, individual institutions may purchase single use licenses for any needed data products to continue beyond the six month extension or to start new projects.